Brandon's Adventures
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Flatscreen TV for the Playroom

We have a very old tube-type television that finally gave out and "fried". Little Brandon and I were watching cartoons on the TreehouseTV network and all of a sudden, the TV shut down. It happened before, but all I did was power it on again and it was fine. This time when I powered it on, we couldn't see anything.

The Hubby came home from work and helped move the old TV and the old TV stand out of the playroom. The TV stand was about to collapse anyway so we decided to throw that out too. We looked online and Hubby found a deal on a LG LCD 32" screen from the Dell website. It was a one-day sale and was $249. We ordered it and was delivered to our door after 2 days. That sure was pretty quick.

Coincidentally around the same time, my sister was getting rid of her computer shelf so I took it from her a few days before the LCD TV arrived. It worked great as a TV stand.

So here are some BEFORE and AFTER pictures.

Brandon loves his new TV and called it "his" new TV.

You can see in the first picture that it was so cluttered. I cleaned up and organized the playroom area and made more space. I hung the photos on the wall just above the TV.

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